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These are the 5 Jobs with the Highest Number of Cheaters

Will these careers kill a marriage?

As a divorce lawyer, I have sparked a fierce debate after revealing the five occupations that I believe feature the highest percentage of cheaters.

Last year, I posted my list to Instagram Reels, and it went viral, clocking up more than 300,000 views. Given the interest, I reshared the footage recently, and the discussion has only intensified.

“We wanted to share it with you MOST COMMON CHEATERS,” I captioned the controversial clip. “We are turning up the heat for this one. Do you guys agree?”

The Top Five Professions With Highest Number Of Cheaters


  1. Pilots and Flight Attendants

    • From my experience, those in the aviation industry are among the most likely to stray from their partners. The frequent travel and extended periods away from home create ample opportunities for infidelity.
  2. Military Personnel

    • Men in the military come in second. The long deployments and high-stress conditions often lead to marital issues and infidelity.
  3. Bartenders

    • Working in a social environment with late hours and easy access to alcohol, bartenders often find themselves in situations that lead to cheating.
  4. Police Officers

    • Cops are also high on the list. The nature of their work, including irregular hours and close-knit relationships with colleagues, sometimes results in marital indiscretions.
  5. Firefighters

    • Firefighters, in my observation, top the list of cheaters. The intense and dangerous nature of their job, along with long shifts, creates unique challenges for maintaining fidelity.


Public Reaction

My list has lit a metaphorical match, sparking furious reactions. Some commenters have accused me of unfairly targeting certain professions.

“This is toxic as f–k,” one person wrote. “All the firefighters I know are true family men.”

“As a female firefighter, I have to disagree,” another commented. “My bros don’t cheat.”

Others expressed concern that such videos could induce unnecessary paranoia among partners. “Videos like this put doubt into weak-minded people and in turn create issues where there weren’t any previously. Do better,” one commenter urged.

However, many have admitted that their personal experiences align with my findings. “I’ve been cheated on by pilots, military members, bartenders, cops, and firefighters,” one user shared.

Several noted that these occupations share common traits that may contribute to higher rates of infidelity, such as spending significant time at work and frequent nights away from home.


What to Do If You Suspect Infidelity

If you suspect your partner may be cheating, it’s essential to approach the situation with care and consideration. Here are some steps to take:

  1. Communicate Openly:

    • Talk to your partner about your concerns. Open and honest communication is crucial in addressing any issues in a relationship.
  2. Seek Professional Help:

    • Consider counseling or therapy to work through trust issues and improve your relationship. A professional can provide guidance and support during this challenging time.
  3. Gather Evidence:

    • If you decide to proceed with a divorce, having concrete evidence of infidelity can be crucial. Consulting with a divorce lawyer can help you understand your options and rights.
  4. Protect Yourself:

    • Ensure you protect your emotional and financial well-being. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family, and take steps to safeguard your assets.



My video has undoubtedly stirred up a conversation about the impact of certain careers on marital fidelity. While the debate continues, it highlights the importance of trust and communication in relationships, regardless of profession. What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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